First Blog Post

Welp. This is my first blog post. Soon I'll have a lot more written here. Most of these will consist of my thoughts on technology, or research I'm conducting. I'll also try to write about some other topics that I'm less educated on, such as math, physics, moral philosophy, color science, visual effects, game development, and I'm sure a lot of other stuff. Bookmark the page and come back if this kind of stuff interests you.

In the future, I will try to add a comments section, and maybe a better way to organize and edit these posts. I am going to do my best not to expand beyond the original scope for this site, which is to mostly serve as a portfolio for internships and jobs that I plan on applying for once I graduate. Given all that, I do think it would be nice to create a community of some kind, centered around the topics I enjoy, where everyone could maybe discuss these things and collaborate together. We'll see what the future holds!

- Zach
